I like Smarts.
There is not a guilty pleasure, because I'm not ashamed. It is a strange pleasure, however, lack of coherence and credibility.
I am truly passionate about blue car with a love of V8 rumble, turbo couple sizzling turbocharged, manual shifters and performance cars. Yet I can not help myself: I like the way the Smart Fortwo directs. I adapted to the way he wants to be moved. I like the inner feeling of lightness. And I appreciate periodically indeed push a car to its limits just for good procedure. Approaching the limits of these performance cars I love? That's a recipe for prison.
As much as I love smart fortwo, my wife loves the most. So in 09, after our old Topaz, a new Civic, and a drive from Santa Fe, she rented a second-generation model during a week of ridiculous Mercedes-Benz update that made much more affordable than the Fortwo any other new vehicle. The W451 was not as efficient as the diesel model with which she fell in love in 04, but it was thousands of dollars cheaper, more spacious inside, better built, and - together with the severe price cuts - free to maintain. (Diesel 450 was certainly not.)
She rarely drove the car outside the city center where we lived. Chief among the inconvenience of the car was not the transmission - the car really force you to an unconventional acclimatization - but rather the difficulty of maintaining steady at the posted speed limit of 110 km / h. Fortwo prefer to install in a single 130, a speed at which the highway fuel consumption rose sharply. The loading capacity and flexibility has never ceased to amaze. The city observed far exceeded official estimates of the chip.
Surely the only nostalgia would be enough to melt his heart when an electric version of the Smart Fortwo has appeared in our driveway in early May, on loan to us for week by Mercedes-Benz Canada. It's been years since we ran a Fortwo; lifestyle changes long been an impossible chip in our family. Smart but without gas, with all the charm of the classic car and the ability to plug into our house, is undoubtedly a winning ticket, right?
Not in our province, not in our lives, not even as a second car. A two-seater $ 30,000 without reference to the performance itself, not tax cuts available, long time charging, and a lack of creature comforts usually is not a recipe for success. This whole "compliance" electric car production work for a buyer with good lease deal in the appropriate jurisdiction of the United States, if they plan to operate another primary car, and, of course, s they love Smarts.
Trying to make comparisons between an electric Smart cars and we usually drive is virtually impossible. This feels nothing like a conventional car, the greater the difference of the Nissan Micra I drove the week before a Prius is unlike a Camry.
More unusual is the big difference between how the Fortwo Electric Drive makes its way down the road compared to a normal second-generation Fortwo. The electric version is 16% heavier, and with the extra weight set down the structure, the electric drive riding more calmly. But the direction is very heavy and rather reluctant to move away from the center.
calibration gases is weighted, and initial thrust torque is really nice, as in so electric cars. In the absence of changes to complete the Fortwo ED simply continues to build speed in a strange way, very unlike the normal Fortwo who, while in possession of power passing at highway speeds, did exactly the race not down a ramp on. The electric drive, on the other hand, is of breath at higher speeds.
braking feel is terrible in this electric car, but the modes of regen (through which you can scroll through using the paddle shifters) can be so effective as a pedal driving becomes common. A pedal driving is the best.
From the viewpoint of handling, weight improves ride quality greatly reduces the feeling of agility that makes regular Fortwo such an explosion in the city. Consequently, much of my reasoning for labeling the Fortwo as "fun" is lost, because this car is not nearly as enjoyable to hustle around the city as gas car.
About 16 hours charging (a standard outlet) resulted in a series of reading of 140 km, well beyond the agent 109 km (68 mile) range of the car. The estimator was accurate for the duration of stay of the car. Driving for 40 km has resulted in about 40 km from the reduction in the range. (I opted against testing the full limit of the car's range, for obvious reasons.) For the record, in 30 months, my wife Fortwo 09 averaged 40 (US) mpg in the city, about 46 of the highway.
has Fortwo Electric Drive and part of normal Fortwo another trait. They are certainly acquired taste even for previously indoctrinated. The first day, the Fortwo Electric Drive appears as strange and slightly humorous. A day later, it's just weird. On the third day, you have probably encountered an experience that led him to be weird and unfortunately you are not particularly mood. The fourth day brings your mind around weird but decently helpful. Days five and six you learned to drive the Fortwo as he wants to be led, making it both strange and mildly amusing.
At the end of the week, it's weird and friendly. But not so friendly, not with such a limited range or high prices. Gas fortwo are even equipped with at least $ 10,000 less, up worse but better manage, accelerate slower but more efficient cruise, and are not limited by a charge cycle.
Any interest in a new chip, either electric or gas, must be tempered by the realization that the third-generation Fortwo should arrive shortly. It will not just be newer - it will also be much better. Not only exit Fortwo Electric Drive no electric car the most trendy, it is based on a design that originated seven years ago.
The Fortwo 2016 will be slightly larger but still small blissfully. Although the size causes such consternation in the legions buyers worried about their well-being, I have always believed tidy dimensions of the product fortwo odds that were still in my favor. After all, there is much less of me to hit.
Timothy Cain is the founder of GoodCarBadCar.net , who is obsessed with the free and frequent publication of US and Canadian sales figures auto. Follow us on Twitter @goodcarbadcar and Facebook.
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